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History Geography And Philosophy Under Abassids

 History Geography And Philosophy Under Abassid Dynasty

In islam the Quran stresses upon much more about the study of past in order to know the clear signs of Allah swt in islam the muslim historians got united all the times for the general development of scholarship in islam.the muslims achieved a great advance in the previous historical writings and its systematisation. In islam the age has produced so many great historians who dispensed a new orientation to historical writing and thinking. During the period of Abassids rule there were some great historians who  contributed to the Muslim world,more and presented one of the unique way in order to understand the islamic history. In 8th century two great historians flourished in the islamic world namely Hisham bin Muhammad bin sayyid al Kalbi and another was Muhammad bin Umar al Waqidi. Al kalbi almost wrote 150 books on different subjects besides he is well known famous by one of the greatest historical work known as the Kitabul Hisham.

Al Waqidi had also great authority on islamic traditions he was great fuqha and Historian He wrote two important books on History these are Futuh us Sham and another was Umdat Ul Tawarikh.

The other famous historians that flourished under Abassid period particularly in 9th century such as

Bulduri   wrote futuh al Buldan

Dinawari  wrote  Akbar al tawil.

Ibn Qutabiya   wrote  Kitabul Marrif.

10th century famous historians of islam are

Tabri the full name was Abu jafar Muhammad bin jarir al Tabri he was born in amol tabristan and he died in bagadad.Al tabri wrote on the three grounds ; History , theology , and quran  commentary .As a historian he wrote a famous book Tarikh ar Rasul wa Mulluk the history of prophets and kings,As a mufasir e quran He wrote famous tafsir known as Jamial bayan.As a theologian He wrote a book tahdhib al athar a book on traditions. The tabri’s book  Tarikh  ar rasul wa mulluk became so popular During the period of Abassid one of the samanid prince called as mansur bin nuh translated his history into persian.

Abul Faraj was another historian flourished during abassids he wrote a book on history called as Kitabul  Aghani., Another famous islamic historian  Al Masudi known as the Herodotus of Arabs his best work on history Maruj al dhab and Madinatul jawar.

Geography Under Abassids

The Famous muslim  Early Geographers Are

Hisham Al Kalbi was famous early geographer of Saudi Arabia, He carried out scientific Study about the geography of Saudi Arabia.

Sulimaan Al Tazi was the another personality in the field of Muslim Geography did scientific study about the Geography of China and India.

Al Masudi Was great traveller

Some Geographical Works under Abassids

Al Idrisi 1099-1166 this person was  flourished during the time of Abbasid period  His actual name was  Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn idris was born in spain . Hia major contribution lies in medicinal plant as presented in several of his books espicially kitab al jami li sifat ashtat al nabatat.this person was a great islamic geographer and had described the whole world in one of the book called as kitabul al rujari or rogers book. Also entitled as Nuzhat al Mushtaq Fi ikhtiraq al afaq the delight of him who desires to journey through the climate, this book not only contain the information about the asia and africa but contains the information of whole western countries.

Al  Bakri he was the another famous geographer in the islamic world he wrote geographical dictionary.

Ibn Jubyr wrote  Rihatul kinani

Al masani  wrote  tahfatul bilad

Ibn rustah   wrote  kitab ul alaq al nafsia

Al istakhri  wrote  Masalik wa mamalik

Al mustafui   wrote   Khushatul qulb

Yaqut   wrote   majam ul Buldan


Philosphy under Abassid period

In islam How muslims were involved in greak thought in islam there is a possibility of intereaction the muslims can interect with various thoughts the muslim thought has been encouraged with quran the earlier islamic philosphers of islam tried to discuss the interior core of philosphy.

Al Kindi 801-873 He was born in basr iraq and he died in bagadad He was the first arab philospher called as the philospher of the philosphers,who created the system of its own such as Mathematics , enginering,  Astronomy, logic and medical sciences. He said movememtum by the rotation of earth , he propounded the theory of intelligence He said that Divine intelligence is the cause of existence of the world that both immortality and freedom could be attained in the world of intelligence He said that the knowledge could be attained through reason and imagination.He tried to harmony between philosphy and religion he said philosphy depends on reason the relogion depends on revelation the logic is the method of philosphy and faith is the method of religion.

Al farabi known as second teacher got arabic title Mualliam al thani He had great interest in metaphysics ,philosphy music and epistemology.his famous works are kitabul musiqi al kabir and fusus al hikam.

Imam gazzali was famous philospher and sufi saint He got the title Hujjat ul Islam means document or authority of islam,he wrote famous book on  philosphy known as tahafat al falasifa

Ibn Rushud was another great philospher of islam born in cordova died in morroco His best work on philosphy known as Tahafut al tahfut incoherence of the incoherence.besides other philosphers who flourished during the period of abassids are ibn sinna ,al razi ibn tufail etc.these are the above some famous philosphers that islamic age has produced from time to time to discuss the islamic philosphy interms of islamic doctorices.


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