The Abassids Contribution In the Field of Science Medicine And Education
Education under Abssids
During the time of Abbasids period the age has created so
many great intectuals scholars and philosphers who contributed to the muslim world
much more in the different fields of knowledge, as far as concern the education
under Abassids particularly the Harun and mamun rashid gave great attention for
the development of education, in each provinces under Abbasids the students are
getting the knowledge in masjids.In egypt Alexandria the Abassids establised multitudes masjids so the students were given
the knowledge of Quran hadith fiqh,and kalam.the womens were providing the
knowledge about poetry and mysticism,the development of madrassa evolved from
the elementry and secondary schools.
Baitul Hikmah 830 AD Translation Movement
During the caliph Mamun the Abbasids opens the new era in
the field of science of literature Al Mamun founded the Darul Hikmah in 830 AD
means house of wisdom the main purpose of this department was to translation of
greak science into arabic so that the muslims could easily understand the greak
thought besides the another purpose was to preserve this greak throught ,for
the establishment of Darul hikmah the Harun rashid did massive help to al Mamun
for its establishment, He sent many agents to the east and west for collection
all manuscript for Baitul Hikmah translation Department.This translation
department is to be said by Muslim sholars was the greatest achievement of Abassids in the field of education,as was
considered the great intectual legacy of the muslin world’
Islamic Contribution to the science and medicine
Arab Medicine , muslim contributon to various sciences the
early arab medicine ,in slam the study about the medicine begin in times of
muhammad saw there is hadith of muhammad saw cleanness of body is the half of
iman so on the basis of quran teaching as well as hadith the islam stressed greatly on cleanness which
forms the basis of hygiene,thus from very earlier times the medical care was
promoted by muslims as matters of religious obligation then the certain medical
aphorisms of Muhammad saw has been collected in a book called as Al Tib Al Nabvi.
Early Arab Doctors and Physicians, The Islamic Science
Harith bin Kadalah He was the early arab doctor and
was born in taif ,He was regarded as the Doctor of Arabs he was working in the
court of chosrous Naushirwan He said that the root cause of every disease is
over eating he said eating much more is not the good for health but it creates
many diseases in our body.The Al Harith had a son called as Al Nadr He flourished during the time of Muhammad saw
Ibn Abi Ramtha, was the another great personality in the field
of medicine flourished during the time of Muhammad saw He belongs to one of the arab tribe called as
banu tameem.He was also regarded as the great arab surgon his greatest
contribution was to remove excrescence by surgery.
The islamic medicine came into being as the integration of
greak persian and indian medicine, Thus many medical works of greak,persian and
indian were translated by the many muslim great translators such as Hunayn Bin Ishaq,
Ishaq bin Hunan ,Thabit bin Qurrah ,Yuhanha bin Musawiah and Isa bin haveYahya.
Medival islamic Medicine , Abassid Medicine
During the time of Abassids there were many great emient
physicians that flourished under different caliphs,Jujis Bin Jabril was the great physician he flourished during
the time of al mamun He was the incharge of medical center at jandeshpur in
Jibril Bin Bukhtisu, this personality also had much more
contribution in the field of medical science flourished in times of al harun
and mamun rashid It is to be said by the historians of islam there are almost 860
registered physicians in bagadad during the caliphate of abassids. The famous
book Firdos ul Hikmat on medicine wrote by Al jurjani.the another great
physician called as yuhannabi was great expert and had great knowledge about
human eye Besides Al Razi was physician and
surgon he was the first person use stone in surgery He wrote famous book on
medicine called as Kitabul Mansuri.
Al Abass Al Majusi called as the haly in the west he wrote
two books on medicine such as Kitabul Malaki
and Kitabul Sinnah.
The other important great muslim physician and their works, The
Scientific Development in Abassids period
Ibn Jazzar
wrote zadul Mussafir
Al Jarrah
wrote at taif
Ibn Sinna
wrote canon of Medicine
Ali bin Isa
wrote ophthalmology
Abu Ali Al Hassan wrote Kitabul
Ibn Butlan
wrote synopic tables of medicine
Ibn Abi Sadiq
wrote Manafe Ul aaza
Ibn Jazala
wrote Minhaj ul Bayan
Ibn Jazala
wrote Taqweem ul abdan
Al Biruni
wrote kitabul saydala fil tib
Ibn Zuhr wrote Al tamir Fil Mudawai Tadbir
Ibn Al Baitar wrote Kitabul jami fi adwiay al mufrada
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